
Konflik Sosial dalam Novel Belantik Karya Ahmad Tohari: Tinjauan Sosiologi Sastra dan Implementasinya Sebagai Bahan Ajar Sastra di SMA


The purpose of this study is to (1) describe the background sosio-historis novelist; (2) set out the sctructure novel Belantik creation of Ahmad Tohari; (3) reveals the social conflict in the novel Belantik creation of Ahmad Tohari; (4) describes the implementation of the novel Belantik creation of Ahmad Tohari as one of the teaching material in high school literature. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data in this research are word, phrase, sentence in novel Belantik creation of Ahmad Tohari containing informasion about social conflict. Primary data source in this research in novel Belantik creation of Ahmad Tohari and secondary data source of this research is Soekanto book entitled sociology an introduction year 1990. The data is validated by triangulation theory technique. Dana analysis technique using dialectial method. The result of this research is (1) the socio-historical background of Ahmad Tohari was born in Tinggarjaya 13 Juni 1948 (2) the scructurral studied in the novel study of Belantik creation of Ahmad Tohari There are complex figures (round) and simple figures (flat). The flow in this research is mixed groove. The background of the novel is divided into three parts: the place setting, the time setting, and the social setting. The theme of the belived novel creation of Ahmad Tohari is the struggle of the life of a woman who tries to defend her dignity in the midst of society in the 1970s (3) the social conflict of novel Belantik creation of Ahmad Tohari some social conflict that is conflict of personal conflict), racial conflict (4) This research can be implemented in thr study of literature in high school class XII at semester 1I KD 3.9 analyze the contents and lyrics of the novel. The result of thiIn accordance with the criteria of teaching materials ie aspects of language, aspects of psychology, and aspects of cultural background

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