Pengembangan Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa UNS Melalui Program Ipteks bagi Kewirausahaan Tahun ke-II


Science ond Technology Progrom for Entrepreneurship is one of the adivities corried out PPKwu in order to generate the young entizpreneurs from among the students. Activities thot oimed to ossisting student effort hos been going on for two years by PPKwu. tn the first yeor, 72 people have alreody graduoted ond the remaining eight ore still ossisted in order to further develop their business. The octivities carried out in the second consists of the recruy Naryata. (3) to describe the cultural attitudes of author’s concept PancerWali in in running commentary Esem Ing Lingsir Sore. Benefits achieved in the study consisted of two things, namely the theoretical benefits, hoping to help enrich and use of literary theory and its applications, especially the sociology of literary theory. In practical, this research can provide benefits in the form of an appeal for the public to be more careful in looking for their couple, especially concerning the prohibition of Pancer Wali marriage for Javanese. This research is a form of literary study with qualitative descriptive method,it means that the use of qualitative data is often in the form of words, descriptions, or picture and not the form of numbers. This study will analyze the Esem Ing Lingsir Sore by explaining structural elements from Robert Stanton that includes facts of the story, they are characters, plonant, science and technolog

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