
educação pelo território


Tese de mestrado, Património público, Arte e Museologia, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas Artes, 2013O anexo 5 são cartas topográficas. Apenas poderá ser consultado na Biblioteca da FBAUL. Cota: CDAThis work aims to contribute to the debate currently taking place in contemporary archeology, about the relationship between the discipline, its concrete practice and society, under the so-called Public Archaeology. Apart from the theoretical discussion, this work materialized in a practical experience, which linked the fieldwork (reviewing an Archaeological Map), the treatment of data and community participation, focused on Heritage Education, in a scale - the municipal territory-that promotes closeness and communication. Beyond the addition of new data, resulting in part of the archaeological work developed over the past decade in the context of Alqueva, and now expanded with new field work, some steps, albeit modest, have been advanced in the way archeology dialogues with societ

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