Time course of hematological parameters in bleeding-induced anemia


In order to investigate daily changes of hematological parameters in bleeding-induced anemia, we treated Wistar albino male rats by daily bleeding (1.5-2 mL of blood from the tail vein for eight days). Blood samples were taken before (on day zero) and on the first to eighth days of bleeding. The values of hematocrit, hemoglobin, and erythrocyte count decreased significantly after the second, sixth, and second days of bleeding, respectively. The number of leuko­cytes and platelets, as well as Heinz body levels, increased significantly after the third and second days of treatment. The percentage of reticulocytes increased significantly from the second day and attained the maximum level (32.55 ± 0.96%) on the eighth day.U cilju ispitivanja dnevnih promena hematoloških parametara u toku anemije indukovane dnevnim krvarenjem, tretirali smo Wistar albino pacove dnevnim krvarenjem (1.5-2 ml krvi iz repne vene u toku 8 dana). Uzorci krvi uzimani su pre (0 dan) i 1-8. dana krvarenja. Vrednosti za hematokrit, hemoglobin i broj eritrocita značajno opadaju nakon drugog, šestog i drugog dana krvarenja. Broj leukocita i trombocita, kao i nivo formiranja Heinz-ovih telašaca raste značajno nakon trećeg i drugog dana tretmana. Procenat retikulocita značajno raste od drugog dana i dostiže maksimalni nivo (32.55 ± 0.96 %) osmog dana tremana.Projekat ministarstva br. 143035

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