Towards timely diagnosis of symptomatic breast and cervical cancer in South Africa.


The global cancer burden is projected to increase by 50% by 2030 and, disturbingly, most of the increase will occur in LMICs.[1–4] Unique features of cancer in Africa are the disproportionately high burden of cancers in women (56%), the high proportion of infection-related cancers (30% of all cancers) and the late stage at which cancer is diagnosed (e.g. 46% of breast cancer in South Africa (SA) diagnosed at an advanced stage).[3–7] Cancer stage is a measure of cancer growth and spread, with stage at presentation being an important prognostic factor. Earlier stage at presentation, enabling more opportunities for curative treatment and improved outcomes, is thus an important goal in any comprehensive cancer care policy.SAMRC- is this the same, probably no

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