Site-selective measurement of coupled spin pairs in an organic semiconductor.


From organic electronics to biological systems, understanding the role of intermolecular interactions between spin pairs is a key challenge. Here we show how such pairs can be selectively addressed with combined spin and optical sensitivity. We demonstrate this for bound pairs of spin-triplet excitations formed by singlet fission, with direct applicability across a wide range of synthetic and biological systems. We show that the site sensitivity of exchange coupling allows distinct triplet pairs to be resonantly addressed at different magnetic fields, tuning them between optically bright singlet ([Formula: see text]) and dark triplet quintet ([Formula: see text]) configurations: This induces narrow holes in a broad optical emission spectrum, uncovering exchange-specific luminescence. Using fields up to 60 T, we identify three distinct triplet-pair sites, with exchange couplings varying over an order of magnitude (0.3-5 meV), each with its own luminescence spectrum, coexisting in a single material. Our results reveal how site selectivity can be achieved for organic spin pairs in a broad range of systems.This work was supported by HFMLRU/ FOM and LNCMI-CNRS, members of the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL) and by EPSRC (UK) via its membership to the EMFL (grant no. EP/N01085X/1 and NS/A000060/1) and through grant no. EP/M005143/1. L.R.W. acknowledges support of the Gates-Cambridge and Winton Scholarships. We acknowledge support from Labex ANR-10-LABX-0039-PALM, ANR SPINEX, and DFG SPP-1601 (Bi-464/10-2)

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