Cancer risk assessment of anatomy laboratory workers


Formaldehyde (FA) is a chemical traditionally used in pathology and anatomy laboratories as a tissue preservative. Several epidemiological studies of occupational exposure to FA have indicated an increased risk of various types of cancer in industrial workers, embalmers and pathology anatomists. Based on the available data IARC, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, has recently classified FA as a human carcinogen. This paper presents the results of the quarterly monitoring of concentration levels of formaldehyde in the working premises of the Department of Anatomy at the Medical Faculty. Air monitoring was performed in order to evaluate occupational exposure to FA. The measurements of concentration levels of formaldehyde were conducted at five locations inside the Department in order to assess the exposure level and cancer risk of students and employees of the institution. The level of exposure to FA was evaluated near the breathing zone of workers. The calculations indicate an extremely high level of cancer risk of the employees. The values obtained in all measuring places are significantly higher than those recommended by international expert organizations. When it comes to students, risk levels are in range with those recommended by international organizations

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