Job Analysis for Developing Vocational Education and Training Course


본 연구는 각 기관에서 목적별로 다양하게 이루어지고 있는 직무분석 실시 및 활용 실태를 파악하여 향후 효율적인 직업교육훈련에 관련된 직무분석 사업 방향을 제시하고, 교육·훈련·자격의 일관성 있는 연계 체제 구축을 위한 직무분석 방법 및 절차 모형을 개발하는 데 목적이 있다. 또한, 사업으로는 동일한 직무분석을 통한 직업교육훈련과정 및 출제기준의 기초 자료를 지속적으로 개발·보급하는 데 있다.1. Outline Job analysis is essential in the development of vocational education and training course as well as developing guidelines for vocational qualification exams. However, due to inadequacy in systematic job analysis in the past, development and revision of educational programs, vocational training standards and guidelines for examination questions not only lack efficiency and connectivity, but are also becoming a waste of resources. Purpose of the research lies in developing methods of job analysis and procedure models for establishment of a system that efficiently links education, training and qualification by understanding the job analysis conducted by various institutions. The purpose also lies in developing basic materials for vocational education and training course as well as developing guidelines for examination questions through job analysis on 10 promising occupations in the field of information communications as a project. Contents of the research are as follows: First, characteristics as well as strengths and weaknesses of the job analysis conducted when developing curriculum for schools, guidelines for vocational training, qualification category and guidelines for examination questions, and job dictionary were examined, and job analysis methods for development of education, training and qualification in connection with one another were studied. Second, to establish job analysis methods and procedures, the contents, methods and procedures of job analysis conducted by Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training along with development of curriculum for vocational high schools, curriculum for junior colleges, guidelines for vocational training and examination questions of Human Resources Development Services of Korea as well as development of job dictionary, were analyzed. Third, since the form used in job analysis must be appropriate for description of job contents, the form was designed so that anyone would have an easy understanding of the contents. The research collected and analyzed previous job analysis-related research data as well as materials regarding the current status of job analysis at various institutions, and apprehended issues for improvement and degree of utilization by analyzing the questionnaire attached to the job analysis material for 2000. In addition, the actual status of job analysis conducted by various institutions was investigated and person(s) with experience in developing curriculum, person(s) in charge of job analysis for enterprises and person(s) in charge of producing questions for national qualification exams were interviewed, for development of the job analysis guidebook. Furthermore, a conference of specialists was held to examine the proposed job analysis guidebook, which will become applicable in 2001, and to select occupations that will be the subject of job analysis. The report is divided into; Part I - Research for developing job analysis methods and procedure models, and Part II - Job analysis project for developing vocational education and training course. 2. Job Analysis Model for Developing Vocational Education and Training Course Out of various methods of job analysis examined in terms of theoretical perspective, the job analysis model for developing vocational education and training course reflects the characteristics of job analysis materials that can be utilized in development of curriculum, vocational training standards, guidelines for examination questions as well as creating contents for job dictionary for providing vocational and career information, and developing career guidance and teaching materials. DACUM method, which is valuable in curriculum development, was applied to the job analysis, and 5 rounds of conferences were held with industrial specialists possessing abundant on-site experience and training specialists. Furthermore, since job details can be influenced by the knowledge level of participants and biased opinions can be presented by those participating in the analysis using the Brainstorming and DACUM methods, three on-site inspections that inspect materials and data were conducted at each stage to prevent such issues. Accordingly, a six-step job analysis development procedure for joint development of vocational education and training course and guidelines for examination questions was set up as follows: ● Step 1 : Preparation for job analysis - Method : examination of data, interviews, selection of specialists - Details : collect information on related technology, establish a proposal for scope and level of jobs, prepare a draft of occupational specification ● Step 2 : Establishment of job model - Method : the 1st conference of specialists, the 1st on-site inspection - Details : establish job definition, scope of responsibility/task, complete occupational specification and prepare job specification ● Step 3 : Obtain knowledge, function and tool - Method : the 2nd conference of specialists, the 2nd on-site inspection - Details : establish task factors, determine accomplishment level, obtain knowledge·function·tool This is the stage where the constituent for vocational education and training course is obtained, thus, the most important part of the job analysis. Therefore, theoretical knowledge and functions needed in implementing task factors as well as additional technology or functions that accompany implementation of tasks must also be obtained. ● Step 4 : Development of course and curriculum - Method : the 3rd conference of specialists - Details : prepare task/knowledge·function·tool matrix, develop course and curriculum, prepare task/course matrix ● Step 5 : "Detailization" of the contents of education and training - Method : the 4th conference of specialists - Details : prepare course profile, curriculum profile and road map ● Step 6 : Establishment of guidelines for examination questions - Method : the 5th conference of specialists, the 3rd on-site inspection - Details : prepare guidelines for examination questions for the first exam, prepare guidelines for examination questions for the second exam, prepare final report 3. Job Analysis Project Out of 30 occupations that are the subject of vocational research, ten were selected, which include occupations that can be operated as a vocational education and training program in vocational education and training institutes, occupations that require an imminent need for development and distribution due to insufficient development status at current time, and those that have not been developed recently. Occupations chosen for the job analysis are information system analyst, web programmer, customer relationship management consultant, customer engineer, firmware engineer, mobile network manager, web PD, system administrator, cyber education manager, and medical information system officer. Job analysis was conducted according to the newly established job analysis procedure and form for the 10 occupations mentioned above, and as a result, knowledge, function and tool were obtained and vocational education and training course as well as guidelines for examination questions were developed.연구요약 제1부 직무분석 방법 및 절차 모형 개발 연구 1 Ⅰ. 서 론 1 1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1 2. 연구의 내용 3 3. 연구의 방법 6 4. 연구의 분석틀 및 관련 용어의 정의 9 5. 보고서 구성 및 연구의 제한 13 Ⅱ. 직무분석의 이론적 고찰 15 1. 직무분석의 발달과정 및 정의 15 2. 직무분석의 필요성 및 목적 19 3. 직무분석의 기법 21 4. 직무분석 관련 용어의 개념 31 Ⅲ. 직무분석의 활용실태 및 접근방법 35 1. 직무분석 활용실태 35 2. 직무분석 접근방법 57 3. 직무분석의 특징 및 시사점 69 Ⅳ. 직업교육훈련과정 개발을 위한 직무분석 모형 79 1. 설문조사 79 2. 직업교육훈련과정 개발을 위한 직무분석 모형 82 Ⅴ. 활용 방안 143 1. 주요 단원별 해석 143 2. 활용 방안 146 제2부 직업교육훈련과정 개발을 위한 직무분석 사업 151 Ⅰ. 직종선정 배경 151 Ⅱ. 10직종 직무분석 결과 요약 155 1. 정보시스템분석사 155 2. 웹프로그래머 158 3. CRM전문가 159 4. 고객지원전문가(CE) 163 5. 펌웨어엔지니어 165 6. 이동통신망운용관리자 168 7. 웹피디 171 8. 시스템관리자 174 9. 사이버교육운영자 177 10. 의료정보시스템관리사 180 Ⅲ. 직업적성과 직업기초능력에 대한 종합분석 185 1. 직업적성설문 분석 185 2. 직업기초능력설문 분석 187 참고문헌 189 Abstract 193 부 록 19

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