A Study on the Organizational Scheme of Human Resources Development Policies


I. 서론 Ⅱ. 인적자원정책 추진체제의 현황 1. 인적자원정책 추진을 위한 제도적 기반 구축 2. 인적자원정책 추진을 위한 총괄 ·조정 체계 수립 Ⅲ. 인적자원정책 추진체제의 문제점 1. 인적자원정책의 개념과 범위의 문제 2. 인적자원정책 총괄 ·조정 시스템 문제 IV. 정책과제 1. 인적자원정책 범위의 명확화 2. 인적자원개발 관련 법령 정비 3. 교육인적자원부장관의 인적자원정책 역량 강화 4. 인적자원개발회의 운영 개선 Ⅴ. 결론 참고문헌 abstractThe Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development(MOEHRD) was launched to oversee and coordinate various policies related to human resources. The MOEHRD announced The National Human Resources Development Strategies for Korea as a mid and long-term strategic plan for HRD at the national sphere, and has presided over the Ministerial Commission for HRD(MCHRD). This paper points out some problems of the concept and category of HRD policies, the formation and operation of the MCHRD, and the role of the MOEHRD. This paper made some suggestions for successful implementation of HRD policies. First, we need to clarify the concept and category of HRD policies in every government organizations and recognize the significance of HRD policies for the formation of social capital. Second, we need to revise the HRD Act that some HRD reports are required to submit to the National Assembly in order to strengthen the effectiveness and accountability of HRD policies. Third, the MOEHRD should be authorized to coordinate HRD policies in budget process. Fourth, it is essential to empower the right of the MCHRD to play a central role in coordinating the HRD policies

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