Proyecto de inversión e introducción en el mercado Guayaquileño de un identificador de llanto para bebés


Nowadays exists various reasons why a baby can either mourn hunger, pain, boredom, discomfort, sleep, and many first time mothers experienced particular concern of not knowing what to do or how to solve this sort of trouble in certain moment. That is why through a study, we analyzed the viability of investment and a market introduction in Guayaquil of a product that helps mothers and fathers have a notion of why their baby cries. This identifier is capable of encoding crying baby, showing through a Walkie Talkie the reason for the distress of the baby through graphics, which represent: hunger, boredom, sleep, discomfort, stress. The tendency of women today to give us a solution and use technology to meet this need, therefore, an alliance with different expertise and greater consumption in the market for babies is the main target sample

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