In the field of the agriculture and forestry tractors represent big potential
danger for traffic and working accidents. Because of their construction they have very
high centre of gravity and are therefore very unstable vehicle. In the United States of
America every year almost 800 people died in accidents with tractors. In the Republic
of Slovenia from 1990. to 2006., died 136 peoples in traffic accidents with tractors.
Fortunately the number of victims is less every year. The main reason for accidents with
the agriculture and forestry tractors is overturning. This is the case in the Republic of
Slovenia as well as in other countries. In this paper, the number of deaths in accidents
with the agriculture and forestry tractors, was acquired with the help of foreign typeapproval
and registration systems.U oblasti poljoprivrede i šumarstva traktori predstavljaju velik potencijal
opasnosti za saobraćajne i radne nesreće. Zbog njihove konstrukcije, koja ima visoko
težište, veoma su nestabilna vozila. U Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, svake godine
skoro 800 ljudi pogine u nesrećama sa traktorima. U Republici Sloveniji je od 1990.
godine do 2006. godine poginulo 136 ljudi u saobraćajnim nesrećama sa traktorima. Na
sreću broj žrtava se svake godine smanjuje. Glavni uzrok za nesreće sa poljoprivrednim i
šumarskim traktorima je prevrtanje. To je slučaj u Republici Sloveniji i isto tako u
drugim zemljama. Broj poginulih u nesrećama sa poljoprivrednim i šumarskim
traktorima u ovom radu, bio je sabran uz pomoć homologacijskih i registracijskih