Uticaj savremenih sistema obrade zemljišta na prinos važnijih ratarskih useva


On the basis of many investigations, it has been concluded that the future of agriculture development in the XXI century will imply sustainable agriculture as the alternative to the conventional agriculture. It is considered that the future of agriculture will rest on flexible cultural practices, developments of biotechnology and appreciation of basic ecological principles in soil usage. In intensive field crop production tillage sistem is of great importance. Tillage system have an effect on many physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. Multiple passes of different agricultural machinery have negative effect on structure, bulk density, total pore space and compaction as well as increased expencives. Today there is need rational solutions for that problems. Conservation tillage practice can increase the organic matter content, aggregate stability, and improve optimal soil water content, air, temperature, biological regime and nutrient cycling that represent basic elements in erosion control, soil and water conservation and environment protection and preservation. The results of our investigation in agroecological condition on experimental fields "Radmilovac" near Belgrade shows that yield grain of investigated crops (winter wheat, spring barley, maize and soyabean) was lower in mulch tillage system and in no tillage systems than under conventional tillage practice. Reduces in cultural practices can be source of stress (mechanical, drought) and because of that fact plant breeders in the future must attempt to foreese this changes and create new ideotype to existing soil conditions and improving these cultivars in their resource use efficiency. New technologies comprehend higher flexibility of cultural practices (soil tillage, crop rotation, fertilization, integrated pest management) with proper choose of wheat cultivars adapted on these conditions.U kompleksu mera za povećanje prinosa poljoprivrednih kultura, važno mesto zauzima obrada zemljišta. Pravilna obrada zemljišta je najefikasniji način za povećanje plodnosti, a plodnost je glavna osobina zemljišta kao sredstva za proizvodnju. Sistemi intenzivne biljne proizvodnje sa konvencionalnim sistemima obrade zemljišta za posledicu imaju akceleraciju procesa degradacije zemljišta i narušavanja uspostavljene ekološke ravnoteže u agroekosistemu. Pojava novih savremenih oruđa i efikasnije zaštite od korova nameće potrebu reformisanja postojećih sistema obrade zemljišta. Reformisanje sistema obrade ide u pravcu redukcije odnosno minimalizacije obrade zemljišta. Zasnovano je, pre svega, na eliminaciji negativnih činilaca prouzrokovanih konvencionalnom obradom, na većoj ekonomskoj i ekološkoj efektivnosti. Redukcija u obradi klasičnih, konvencionalnih sistema obrade zemljišta može varirati u širokom rasponu, od najmanjeg izostavljanja samo jedne operacije ne menjajući puno suštinu tog sistema u pogledu njegovog uticaja sve do potpunog izostanka, odnosno do direktne setve. U održivoj poljoprivredi kao novom konceptualnom pravcu razvoja poljoprivrede postoje rešenja, bitno različita od dosadašnjih sistema obrade, zasnovana na njihovoj alternativi, koja u primeni rešavaju probleme iz domena konzervacije zemljišta kao neobnovljivog prirodnog resursa

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