C-banding karyotypes and location of NOR's in the toad species Bufo bufo and Bufo viridis from Yugoslavia


The karyotypes, C-banding patterns and positions of nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) of two European species of toads, Bufo bufo and Bufo viridis from seven localities in Yugoslavia were investigated. These karyotypes and chromosomal markers were compared with those in other species and subspecies of the Bufo bufo complex. The results suggest that C-banded patterns are characters specific for those species. A marker band on chromosome 5 in the karyotype of B. bufo bufo is shown.Ispitivani su kariotipovi, C-trake i položaj nukleolusnih organizatora (NOR) dve evropske vrste žaba, Bufo bufo i Bufo viridis, sa 7 jugoslovenskih lokaliteta. Kariotipski i hromozomalni markeri ovih vrsta poređeni su sa podacima koji se odnose na druge vrste i podvrste. Rezultati ukazuju da je raspored C-traka specifične za ispitivane vrste. Kod vrste B. bufo bufo nađena je marker traka na petom hromozomu.Projekat ministarstva br. 03E0

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