Influence of trout farms on macrozoobenthos communities with special emphasis on larvae of the genus Baetis (Ephemeroptera, Insecta)


Planinske tekućice čine bitnu komponentu rečne mreže i prilično specifične delove toka, koje zbog svoje teške pristupačnosti uglavnom predstavljaju najmanje remećene delove vodotoka. Međutim, različite ljudske aktivnosti, kao što su: vodosnabdevanje, izgradnja kanala, poljoprivreda, itd., remete njihovu homeostazu. Jedan od takvih oblika uticaja na ove osetljive akvatične ekosisteme može se prepisati i pastrmskoj akvakulturi. Uzimajući u obzir da pastrmski ribnjaci vrše direktan uticaj na brdsko-planinske tekućice, njihovi efekti mogu biti slični mnogim drugim zagađivačima koji organske materije i različite tipove polutanata direktno oslobađaju u recipijente. Pored hemijskog monitoringa koji može ukazati na nastale promene u koncentracijama abiotičkih parametara u vodi i supstratu, korišćenjem organizama sa indikatorskim svojstvima dobija se kompletnija slika o promenama nastalim u vodenom ekosistemu. Od svih grupa vodenih organizma, u biomonitoringu tekućih vodenih ekosistema, najčešće se koriste organizmi makrozoobentosa, jer se njihovom primenom mogu pratiti promene na svim nivoima biološke organizacije, od molekularnog do ekosistemskog. Za ispitivanje uticaja pastrmskih ribnjaka na zajednice makrozoobentosa, u ovoj disertaciji uključeno je devet tekućica lociranih u brdsko-planinskim područjima Srbije, u okviru pete i sedme limnofaunističke zone slatkovodne faune Evrope. Uzorkovanje je vršeno na ukupno 50 lokaliteta, sedam puta u toku jednogodišnjeg istraživanja. Izbor pastrmskih ribnjaka izvršen je na osnovu njihove produkcije i u odnosu na veličinu recipijenta. Intenzitet uticaja pastrmskih ribnjaka ispitan je preko abiotičke i biotičke komponente vodenog ekosistema. Kvalitativnom analizom i analizom glavnih komponenti između kontrolnog lokaliteta i lokaliteta neposredno ispod ribnjaka ustanovljene su promena sledećih abiotičkih parametara: nagomilavanje mulja u podlozi, porast koncentracije jonizovanog amonijaka i njegove nejonizovane frakcije, pad koncentracije rastvorenog kiseonika, porast vrednosti pH, kao i blagi porast koncentracije ortofofata i ukupnog fosfora...Mountain streams are an important component of the river network that due to their heavy accessibility are generally the least disturbed parts of a watercourse. However, their homeostasis is upset by various human activities such as diversion for water supply purposes, canal building, irrigation, etc. Trout aquaculture can be cited as one form of such influence on these sensitive aquatic ecosystems. Trout farms exert direct influence on highland streams and their effects resemble those of many other polluters that release organic substances and various types of pollutants directly into the recipient waters. A more complete picture of changes arising in an aquatic ecosystem can be obtained by using organisms with indicatory properties in conjunction with chemical monitoring, which clearly indicates changes in the values of abiotic parameters. Of all groups of aquatic organisms, macrozoobenthic organisms are most often used in biomonitoring of the ecosystems of streams because it is possible with them to follow changes on all levels of biological organization, from the molecular level to that of the ecosystem as a whole. In order to investigate the influence of trout farms on macrozoobenthos communities, in this dissertation nine streams were monitored in highland regions of Serbia within the fifth and seventh limnofaunistic zones of the freshwater fauna of Europe. Sampling was conducted at a total of 50 localities over the course of a one-year period. The choice of trout farms was based on the volume of their production and size of the recipient stream. The intensity of influence of trout farms was investigated by monitoring abiotic and biotic components of the aquatic ecosystem. Qualitative analysis and principal component analysis of the difference between the control locality and localities directly below the trout farm revealed the following changes of several abiotic parameters, viz., accumulation of sludge in the substrate, increase in the concentration of ionized ammonia and its nonionized fraction, decrease in the concentration of dissolved oxygen, increase of pH, and slight increase in the concentration of orthophosphate and total phosphorus..

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