Function of serotonin receptors and its role in the behavior


Serotonin is, evolutionary, the oldest neurotransmitter. Ubiquitous distribution of serotonin in central nervous system, also implication in many physiological functions indicates significance of serotonergic system. Expression of the serotonin function is the most conditioned by the interaction with postsynaptic receptors. In this article, the classification of the serotonergic receptors and its role is reviewed. The expectations of future research are detection of new subpopulations of receptors, their functions and summation of knowledge in order to find new therapy and new manner in treatment of central nervous system disturbances, which imply serotonergic dysfunction.Serotonin predstavlja jedan od evolutivno najstarijih neurotransmitrera. Njegova široka distribucija u centralnom nervnom sistemu i povezanost sa mnogobrojnim fiziološkim funkcijama ukazuje na značaj serotoninskog sistema. Karakter ispoljavanja serotonina u najvećoj meri određuje postsinaptički receptor sa kojim stupa u kontakt. U radu su prikazani do sada klasifikovani receptori i njihova uloga. Od budućih istraživanja očekuje se otkrivanje novih subpopulacija receptora, njihove uloge i sumacija saznanja u cilju pronalaženja novih lekova i načina lečenja uzrokovanih poremećajima serotinskog sistema CNS-a.nul

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