Evaluation of modified surgical technique outcomes in single-suture and complex craniosynostosis


Uvod: Kraniosinostoze su oboljenja koja se karakterišu patološkom prevremenom fuzijom jedne ili više kranijalnih sutura usled čega dolazi do nastanka abnormalnog oblika lobanje, intrakranijalne hipertenzije i poremećaja neurokognitivnog razvoja obolele dece. Cilj: Ova doktorska teza ima za cilj evaluaciju rezultata lečenja modifikovanim hirurškim tehnikama u tretmanu unisuturnih i kompleksnih kraniosinostoza, koja podrazumeva: 1. detaljan prikaz novih modifikovanih hirurških tehnika: trikvadratna proširena osteotomija (triple square extended osteotomies, TSEO), dinamička remodelacija sa plivajućim čelom (floating forehead dynamic remodeling, FFDR) i frontoorbitalna hiperkorektivna remodelacija (fronto-orbital hypercorrective remodeling, FOHR) 2. procenu estetskih rezultata hirurškog lečenja prema standardnim klasifikacijama 3. procenu morfološkog ishoda hirurškog lečenja 4. neurokognitivnu evaluaciju operisanih pacijenata Materijal i metode: Ukupno 187 pacijenata sa prevremenim srastanjem jedne ili više kranijalnih sutura hirurški su lečeni u Klinici za neurohirurgiju KCS u Beogradu od januara 1999. do januara 2014. godine. Kod svih pacijenata sprovedena je adekvatna preoperativna neuroradiološka evaluacija, koja je podrazumevala nativni kraniogram i kompjuterizovanu tomografiju glave; magnetna rezonanca nije rutinski rađena i bila je razmatrana isključivo za sindromske slučajeve. Klinički parametri dobijeni su iz istorija bolesti i služili su za formiranje detaljnog upitnika. Kraniometrijske referentne vrednosti od interesa: preoperativni i postoperativni kranijalni indeks (CI), endokranijalni bifrontalni ugao (EBA) i modifikovani indeks za procenu simetrije kranijuma (modified cranial vault asymmetry index - mCVAI) korišćene su za morfološku procenu uspešnosti lečenja. Estetski rezultat lečenja evaluiran je Whitakerovom i Sloanovom klasifikacijom. Prisutni neurokognitivni poremećaj, zaostajanje u psihomotornom razvoju, kao i intelektualnom funkcionisanju, procenjivan je korišćenjem Razvojnog testa Čuturić, REVISK skale i testa NEPSY-II...Introduction: The term craniosynostosis refers to premature fusion of one of more cranial sutures that can lead to severe craniofacial disfigurement, intracranial hypertension and abnormal neurocognitive development in affected children. Aim: The present thesis has the intention to evaluate results of modified surgical techniques used in the treatment of unisutural and complex craniosynostosis that comprises of: 1. Detailed presentation of the new modified surgical techniques: triple square extended osteotomies (TSEO), floating forehead dynamic remodeling (FFDR) and frontoorbital hypercorrective remodeling (FOHR) techniques 2. Estimation of the aesthetic results after surgical treatment according to standard classifications 3. Estimation of morphological outcome of surgical treatment 4. Neurocognitive evaluation of treated patients Material and method: A total of 187 consecutive patients with premature fusion of one or more cranial sutures were surgically treated in Clinic of Neurosurgery KCS in Belgrade from January 1999 to January 2014. All patients underwent preoperative neuroradiological evaluation with plain cranial radiography and computerized tomography; magnetic resonance was not routinely performed and was considered strictly for syndromes. Clinical data were extracted from patient's medical history and comprehensive patient interview. Craniometrical referent points of interest: preoperative and postoperative cranial index (CI), endocranial bifrontal angle (EBA) and modified cranial vault asymmetry index (mCVAI) changes were used to estimate morphological outcome of surgery. Aesthetic outcome was assessed using Whitaker and Sloan classification. Presence of neurocognitive impairment, delay in psychomotor development and intellectual functioning were assessed with Cuturic developmental test, REVISK scale and NEPSY-II test..

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