LMF Merger


This is an LMF Lexical Merger web-service for the automatic merging of Lexical Entries from two distinct LMF lexicons. The web-service takes two LMF lexicons, A and B, and a set of directives in input and outputs one or more LMF merged lexicon(s) according to different merging scenarios. Further details can be found in: Riccardo Del Gratta & Francesca Frontini & Monica Monachini &Valeria Quochi & Francesco Rubino& Matteo Abrate & Angelica Lo Duca. 2012. L-LEME: an Automatic Lexical Merger based on the LMF Standard. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Resource Merging (Colocated wiyh LREC 2012), May, 22 2012, Istanbul, Turke

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