
Findings of bivalves in the Miocene of the Zrinska Gora Mt.


Dosadašnja istraživanja na području Zrinske gore ukazala su na specifičnosti životom bogatog okoliša srednjeg miocena na prostoru tadašnjeg centralnog dijela Paratethysa. Ovim je radom prikazan pronalazak fosilnih školjkaša iz badenskog razdoblja na području Zrinske gore. Također se pokušalo ukazati na njihove specifičnosti, poput izrazite veličine, koje su proizašle iz pogodnih uvjeta u okolišu u kojem su obitavali. Okoliš je bio relativno mirno suptropsko more puno hranjivih tvari, s mnoštvom raznolikih organizama. Među pregledanim uzorcima zabilježeni su rodovi Pecten?, Pholadomya i Ostrea, od tih rodova se rod Pholadomya rjeđe pronalazi u miocenskim naslagama sjeverne Hrvatske. Svaki zabilježeni pronalazak fosilnih organizama i intrepretacija njihovog okoliša značajne su, kako za paleogeografiju, tako i za paleoekologiju, te modernu ekologiju jer nam mogu ukazati na neke interakcije okoliša i organizama koje u prirodi možda ne bi bili uočeniPrevious investigations in the area of the Zrinska Gora Mt. have shown that environments were rich in various living forms during the Middle Miocene in the area that was then part of the Central Paratethys Sea. This paper reports about findings of fossil bivalves from Badenian stage in the area of the Zrinska Gora Mt. The paper focuses to show their specifics, such as pronounced size which is the result of the favorable environmental conditions. The environment was relatively still subtropical sea with sufficient amount of nutrients, full of various living forms. Analysed specimens include genera Pecten?, Pholadomya and Ostrea of which genera Pholadomya was rarely found in the Miocene deposits of Nothern Croatia. Every marked finding of fossils and their paleoenviroment interpretations is valuable not only for paleogeography, but also for modern ecology since they can give us clues on interactions between enviroment and organisms which may not have been observed otherwise

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