Interdisciplinary Communication as a Didactic Condition of Formation of the Socio-Economic Knowledge at Mentally Retarded Students


Статтю присвячено проблемі використання міжпредметних зв’язків для формування соціально-економічних знань розумово відсталих старшокласників між дисциплінами природничо-наукового і суспільно-гуманітраного циклів навчального плану спеціальної школи. На основі аналізу, узагальнення й систематизації наукових джерел подано класифікацію, представлено змістовно-інформаційні, операційно-діяльнісні, організаційно-методичні види міжпредметних зв’язків, визначено їх функції: методологічну, освітню, розвиваючу, виховну, конструктивну. Проаналізовано навчальні програми спеціальної школи для розумово відсталих дітей з фізики, природознавства, математики, соціально-побутового орієнтування на предмет визначення змісту, об’єму та наступності системи фактів, понять, причинно-наслідкових зв’язків соціально-економічного змісту з метою їх використання на уроках географії України в 9 класі спеціальної школи.The program enhance the effectiveness of training and education of children with special educational problems is a topical both in research and in the practice of special schools. Achievement of objectives to special education is possible in the case of the creation of appropriate conditions for training and teaching that will ensure the overcoming of difficulties in learning by keeping of teach conditions, which provide a deep, comprehensive understanding of basic science in school. The analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature shows that the problem of the use of interdisciplinary connections in the training of mentally retarded children are not lost relevance, It is revealed in the research work of many scientists. Overall didactic and psychological bases of realization of interdisciplinary communications in the learning process studied A.Distiverh, D.Zverev, V.Maksimova, V.Lesnyak, M.Skatkin, I.Pestalotstsi, K.Ushinsky etc. The scientific work of I.Eremenko, V.Lipy, S.Mirsky, S.Mironovoy, T.Porotskoy, V.Sineva, were devoted to the issue of the use of interdisciplinary connections in the training of mentally retarded children. The main aspects of the implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the study of the geography of the mentally retarded students are represented in the works of A. Grigoryants, V.Gruzinskoy, V.Lipy, L.Odinchenko, V.Sineva, L.Stozhok. The purpose article- reveal the essence, features, stages of interdisciplinary connections between academic disciplines invariant part of the educational special school plan for the formation of knowledge of social and economic content in mentally retarded students. Scientists and practitioners define interdisciplinary communication as a didactic condition, which ensure coordination in training programs, the principle of systematic and consistent display in the content of school subjects, and objective relationships. Interdisciplinary communication provide mutual agreement the contents of education with different subjects, construction and choice of material, which is defined as the general objectives of education, and the best calculation of educational tasks, due to the specifics of each subject. In the process of knowledge creation, geographic content, interdisciplinary communication performing the following functions: methodological, educational, developing, educational, constructive. Didacticians recovered content-information, operational activities, organizational and methodical communication. In different forms of organization of educational activities in geography mentally retarded students use all these types of interdisciplinary connections. The use of the Ukrainian geography lessons mathematical, natural, basic knowledge of the course of physics and chemistry in everyday life, allows the teacher to deepen them and to form a new socio-economic content. Submitted in our study analysis of the program, namely courses invariant part of the curriculum of a special school, the teachers will allow practitioners to avoid problems of duplication in the study of program material, efficient use of interdisciplinary communication identified for the formation of system facts, concepts, the establishment of a causal link socio-economic content in mentally retarded students in the study of Ukraine geography course in the 9th grade of a special school

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