No one was left: death and violence against the Rohingya in Rakhine state, Myanmar


"MSF(Médecins Sans Frontières) estimates that at least 9,400 people lost their lives in Myanmar between 25 August and 24 September, of whom at least 6,700 died due to violence. At least 730 children under the age of five are estimated to have been killed. While the speed and scale of displacement alerted the international community to the severity of events, MSF mortality data indicates that violence reached an unprecedented level in the month following 25 August 2017. This contrasts sharply with official statements from the Myanmar authorities denying any wrongdoing in Rakhine State, and underestimating casualties caused by the so-called clearance operations. Injuries treated by MSF staff accounts from newly arrived refugees and results from MSF health surveys all point to the excessive use of force by Myanmar security forces, by groups affiliated to the security forces and by Rakhine mobs, and to the widespread use of violence against the Rohingya population. This violent persecution has resulted in high mortality amongst the Rohingya population in Myanmar, and has led to the forced displacement of those who survived it. This report is primarily based on the results of the six health surveys that MSF conducted in Cox’s Bazar district in November 2017. The survey results are complemented by the qualitative analysis of testimonies routinely collected by MSF since August, including accounts by MSF patients and their caretakers. Medical data from MSF’s Kutupalong clinic, as well as accounts by patients told to MSF doctors, nurses and midwives, are also included in this report to corroborate findings by direct medical observations. The methodology used for the health surveys and collection of testimonies is detailed in an annex to this report.

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