Quantitative consequence assessment of industrial accidents supported by dynamic process simulators


In the present work, process simulators are adopted in the framework of consequence assessment support. A novel methodology is developed, with particular reference to consequence assessment specific for O&G offshore sector. A commercial, high-fidelity process simulator, Honeywell UniSim® Design R460, is applied for the analysis of accidental scenarios in order to perform a detailed evaluation of dynamic response of a given process unit and to support the consequence assessment of industrial accidents. A specific set-up of process simulator is developed to reproduce either source term, e.g. estimation of gas or liquid flow rate from process leaks, and physical effects dynamics. In particular, the physical effects evaluation through integral models of hydrocarbon fires is integrated in the dynamic process simulator, possibly accounting for the presence of safety barriers. Specific features of simulators are exploited to evaluate the consequences of possible failures in actuators and safety barriers. Some case studies of industrial interest are discussed to demonstrate the application of the methodology

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