Tourism planning and community consultation in metropolitan Melbourne


© 2002 Christina InbakaranThis thesis explores consultation in relation to tourism plans and tourism aspects plans. It examines the extent to which councils involve the community in plan formulation, and the main methods used for the purpose. Community consultation and participation have been investigated by a number of authors. It is a topic that originated in the 1960s and its importance has grown enormously over the years. It has now become a pre-requisite for many projects. In the area of planning, consultation and participation are terms that are used almost synonymously. In this thesis the terms consultation and participation are both used to indicate the involvement of the community. This study evaluates the actual extent of community participation, from an assessment of the approaches of councils, to the points on the Shand-Arnberg Participation Continuum that the consultation methods reach. The study has a number of revelations regarding the people involved in the consultation process, cost and time factors, and the extent to which the community is actually involved in the tourism plans that are formulated. The literature on the subject has indicated that this process has a tendency to exclude the ethnic communities, low income and other minority groups. The trend so far has been to involve the middle class and the articulate groups that dominate a community. However, major findings of this study include that consultation is neither related to the demographic characteristics of society, nor the income of councils. The findings of this research have implications for both, the councils and the general public, and the way tourism developments are planned

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