Decision Making Using Sequential Equation Modelling Applied for Pellet Production


By means of learning experiences, students are expected to know, understand, and be able to demonstrate certain skills, behaviors, and attitudes. These learning experiences have been defined and described by several different learning theories. The 21th century the most common learning theories have been behavioral and cognitive learning theories. Behavioral learning theorists explain learning as relatively permanent change in “hierarchical, observable, and measurable behaviors” whereas cognitive learning theorists explain learning “as an internal change in mental associations”. The pellet production (PP) has the potential to improve the social, economic and environmental elements of the local community, as well as to expand the development of state economy growth. Work study examines community support for that development in the context of sustainable development. This topic is interesting for processing because it deals with specific and so far in Macedonia untreated problems and aspects arising from the relationship between the local community and the state efforts for better conditions for development and higher standard

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