Can Applications Designed to Evaluate Visual Function Be Used in Different iPads?


SIGNIFICANCE: Apple devices could be suitable for vision tests, provided that the test has been correctly adapted to the device, after considering the spatial and colorimetric characterization of the screen. PURPOSE: The majority of vision applications has not been developed by vision or colorimetry experts and suffers from conceptual and design errors that may lead average users to an erroneous assessment of their visual capabilities. The reliability of vision tests depends on the accurate generation of the necessary visual stimuli in a particular device. Our aim was to ascertain whether a given color test, designed for a colorimetrically characterized device, might be used in another similar device. METHODS: We evaluated color reproduction errors in three iPad tablets of different models with Retina screens, using their individual color characterization models and the model derived for another device. RESULTS: Our results showed, even with this small sample, the high degree of error caused when disregarding the fact that the colorimetric design valid for a given device may not be correct when displayed in another. CONCLUSIONS: The distortion of the chromatic content may lead to subjects with vision defects to pass as normal or vice versa, compromising diagnosis reliability

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