
Exoplanet Detection Synenergy Between Gaia and the WFIRST Coronagraph


Future astrometric detections of exoplanets from the Gaia mission will augment and improve the sample of targets accessible to the Coronagraph Instrument (CGI) on WFIRST. We assessed the joint detection sensitivity of Gaia and WFIRST by modeling random planet populations around nearby (d less than 20 pc), bright (V less than 6) stars, and applying nominal detection thresholds for each mission. Our analysis suggests that only a small number of the new planet detections from Gaia will be favorable for spectroscopic characterization by WFIRST CGI: 1-3 planets, depending on the assumed planet population model. The target stars hosting gas giants detectable to both missions tend to be GK dwarfs with brightness between V = 3-5, and distances within 10 pc. While few in number, these new Gaia-detected exoplanets could be exceptionally valuable targets for WFIRST due to the ability to incorporate astrometric mass estimates into the spectral retrieval of atmospheric parameters

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