
Core/Combuster-Noise: Preparations for Future DART Tests


The DGEN AeroPropulsion Research Turbofan (DART) is a small engine representative of commercial transport propulsors. It is used at NASA to study, among other topics, core and combustor noise production mechanisms and propagation. This includes development/validation of robust and accurate instrumentation/techniques for evaluating noise production in the extreme environment of a turbofan core. This presentation highlights upcoming core-noise research activities contributing to or directly utilizing the DART facility during the remaining CY2018 and First Quarter CY 2019 period. The near-term aim is to further investigate features seen in the baseline DART core/combustor-noise test performed in the NASA GRC Aero-Acoustic Propulsion Laboratory (AAPL) during 2017 as well as to provide an improved documentation of the core noise emanating from the turbofan engine. The research is aligned with the NASA Ultra-Efficient Commercial Transport strategic thrust and is supported by the NASA Advanced Air Vehicle Program, Advanced Air Transport Technology Project, under the Aircraft Noise Reduction Subproject

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