
Volatiles Loss from Water Bearing Regolith Simulant at Lunar Environments


In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) enables future planetary exploration by using local resources to acquire mission consumables. Water-bearing regolith has been identified on the moon in the permanently shadowed craters. Missions designed to retrieve these resources will require testing in relevant environments. The Planetary Surface Simulation Facility (otherwise known as VF-13) at the NASA Glenn Research Center can create these relevant environments for ground based testing. This dirty thermal vacuum chamber is 3.6 m tall, 1.5 m in diameter, and can achieve pressures on the order of 10-6 Torr. The internal wall of the chamber and the soil bin are separately temperature controlled using liquid nitrogen. For the past four years, the chamber has been used by NASA's Resource Prospector to characterize volatiles loss during regolith sampling operations. Observations from 43 samples suggest agitating the sample during delivery has a significant impact on the volatiles loss. Calculated mass loss rates are consistent for similar size samples. However, the variations in moisture loss do not clearly correlate with measured conditions. Continued testing will examine the impacts of the mechanical sample delivery process

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