
Prospects for the Development of Fast-Light Inertial Sensors


Next-generation space missions are constrained by existing spacecraft navigation systems which are not fully autonomous. These systems suffer from accumulated dead-reckoning errors and must therefore rely on periodic updates provided by supplementary technologies that depend on line-of-sight signals from Earth, satellites, or other celestial bodies (e.g., GPS, star-trackers) for absolute attitude and position determination, which can be spoofed, incorrectly identified, occluded, obscured, attenuated, or insufficiently available. These dead-reckoning errors originate in the accelerometers and ring laser gyros (RLGs) themselves, which constitute inertial measurement units (IMUs). Increasing the time for standalone spacecraft navigation therefore requires fundamental improvements in the precision of inertial sensors. The conventional method of increasing the precision of an optical gyro is to increase its size, but this is problematic in spaceflight where size and weight are at a premium. One promising solution to enhance gyro precision without increasing size is to place an anomalous dispersion or fast-light (FL) material inside the gyro cavity. The FL essentially provides a positive feedback to the gyro response, resulting in a larger measured beat frequency for a given rotation rate as shown in figure 1

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