Automated Scenario Generation for Human-in-the-Loop Simulations
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Automated Multi-Aircraft Control System scenario generation for Human-in-the-Loop (HITL) evaluations of air traffic management concepts is described. The objective is to replace the difficult manual process with the automated process for creating an initial (seed) scenario that serves as a starting point for manual adjustments for creating the Human-in-the-Loop scenario. Methods for analyzing and comparing the seed-scenario generated using the automated process and the Human-in-the-Loop-scenario derived from it to meet the experiment objectives are discussed. Results of comparison of input Human-in-the-Loop-scenario with the Multi-Aircraft Control System output are also presented. The main findings are: (1) many of the characteristics of the seed-scenario used for constructing the Human-in-the-Loop-scenario are preserved in the Human-in-the-Loop-scenario, (2) landing rate profile of the traffic generated by the Multi-Aircraft Control System (MACS) using the input scenario compares reasonably well with that intended in the input scenario, and (3) many of the desired characteristics of the Human-in-the-Loop-scenario can be achieved by further automation