
Design and Development of a Laboratory-Scale Ice Adhesion Testing Device


When an aircraft traverses through clouds containing supercooled water droplets, in-flight icing can occur that negatively affects vehicle performance by increasing weight and drag leading to loss of lift. Super-cooled water droplets present in clouds that impact vehicle surfaces can lead to inflight icing any time during the year.1 Most events occur at temperatures ranging from 0 to -20degC. Ice generated on the aircraft can vary between clear/glaze, rime, and mixed (Fig. 1) depending on air temperature (-5 to -20degC), liquid water content (0.3-0.6 g/m3), and droplet size (median volumetric diameter of 15-40 m). Current strategies to remove ice are based on active technologies such as pneumatic boots, heated surfaces, and deicing agents (i.e., ethylene- and propylene-based glycols). The latter have potential environmental concerns. A passive approach to mitigate accreting ice that is actively being investigated are protective coatings. An ice mitigating coating could potentially be used as a stand-alone material, but more likely in combination with an active approach. In the latter scenario, potential reduction in power consumption by the active approach may be realized. To determine the ice adhesion strength of impact ice that is representative of the aircraft environment is not a trivial matter. Test methods utilizing slowly formed ice (i.e., freezer ice) do not accurately simulate this environment. Likewise, some testing methodologies involve sample relocation from the icing environment to the test chamber that can result in thermal shock to the sample, thus affecting the results. The Adverse Environment Rotor Test Stand (AERTS) located at Pennsylvania State University (PSU) has been demonstrated to simulate impact icing conditions within the icing envelope for the determination of ice adhesion shear strength (IASS) without removal/relocation of the sample.2 Due to the confidence in results obtained from AERTS, this instrument is in high demand and requires a significant amount of lead time and capital investment to obtain IASS results. As a solution for quickly and economically screening coatings in a controlled manner under impact icing conditions, a laboratory-scale ice adhesion test and dead blades were then removed from the rotor/blade assembly to obtain the final mass. The IASS of the live blade was determined from the difference in mass (before and after testing) of the live and dead blades, the ice shed area, and the rpm of the shed event. The same live blade sample was tested in triplicate at all three test temperatures. Surface roughness was determined using a Bruker Dektak XT Stylus Profilometer. Measurements were conducted using a 12.5 m tip at a vertical range of 65.5 m with an applied force of 3 mg. Data were collected over a 1.0 mm length at a resolution of 0.056 m/point. Five single line scans at different locations were collected and processed using a two-point leveling subtraction. The resultant Ra (arithmetic roughness) and Rq (root mean square roughness) average values were calculated

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