
Recent Upgrades for the NASA Ames Vertical Gun Range


Recent upgrades to the performance capabilities of the NASA Ames Vertical Gun Range(AVGR) are presented. Upgrades include: the successful implementation of a fast-acting, gun gases suppression valve to minimize target contamination and perturbations to both the target and ejecta; powder gun and light-gas gun operational parameter adjustments to provide clean, low speed test conditions; a liquid nitrogen-based system and methodology for chilling targets and/or other impact chamber situated equipment; and imaging system capabilities enhancements to enable observing 50 micrometer particles traveling at 2 km/s. Many of these performance improvements were motivated by AVGR customer requirements for very clean shot conditions at speeds below 1.9 km/s and to provide testing in support of proposed NASA missions to Enceladus and 16-Psyche

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