
Low Power Radioisotope Conversion Technology and Performance Summary


This work presents a summary of low-power radioisotope-based power sources. This includes systems that use direct energy conversion from radioactive decay such as betavoltaics and systems that convert heat generated by the isotope decay. These types of power systems have terrestrial and space-based applications. Their main application is to provide low levels of power in remote environments where long life and reliability are the main objectives. This work looked at the potential performance of these types of systems and the range of output power they can achieve. Also considered was the amount of power that could be achieved from these different conversion technologies, while remaining under the critical limit acceptable for space flight without the need for special handling and controls. This is of interest for space missions where low power levels can be used for operating sensors or other devices, but the expense associated with the incorporation of radioactive material above this critical level would be cost prohibitive

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