
An Overview of the XRT Observations for the September 10 2017 X Flare


The September 10 2017 X8 flare was one of the biggest of the current solar cycle, and it was also incredibly well observed. This presentation will review the available XRT data for this flare. XRT observed the initial flux rope eruption, which was also well observed by AIA and SUVI. XRT data is missing for some of the impulsive phase of the flare, but the late phase shows some very interesting features. There is some nice XRT imaging of a plasma sheet above cusp-shaped loops between 16:47 and 18:39 UT. After 18:40 UT, a double loop structure becomes apparent, with a more rounded loop nested within a larger, cusp-shaped structure. The flare loops continue to grow, and at around 1 UT on September 11, supra-arcade down flows and shrinking loops become visible. There is also interesting data in the late phase of this flare from RHESSI and the Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array (EOVSA)

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