
Air-Sea Interactions in a High-Resolution Ocean-Atmosphere Simulation


During the past few years the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) modeling groups have produced, respectively, global atmosphere-only and ocean-only simulations with km-scale grid spacing. These simulations have proved invaluable for process studies and for the development of satellite and in-situ sampling strategies. Nevertheless, a key limitation of these "nature" simulations is the lack of interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere, which limits their usefulness for studying air-sea interactions and for designing observing missions to study these interactions. We present here results from a coupled GEOS-MIT "nature run" simulation, wherein we have coupled a cubed-sphere-720 (~ 1/8) configuration of the GEOS atmosphere to a lat-lon-cap-1080 (~ 1/12) configuration of the MIT ocean. We compare near-surface diagnostics of this fully coupled ocean-atmosphere simulation to equivalent atmosphere-only and ocean-only simulations. A particular focus of the comparisons is the coupled versus uncoupled differences in interactions between Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and ocean surface wind. We discuss, in particular, a several-day mode of temporal variability in the SST-wind cycle and how it is represented in the different model simulations and in observationally-based products. A mechanism for the cycle, which is driven by SST-wind feedback, is proposed

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