Electric Motor Noise for Small Quadcopters: Part I - Acoustic Measurements
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There is increased interest in using electric motors to drive propulsors across a range of small air vehicle classes. Applications include both vertical lift and conventional takeoff and landing systems for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Mission profiles call for integrating these systems into urban airspaces exposing populated areas to new noise sources. In addition to the propulsor noise from rotors and propellers, electric motors are expected to contribute to the overall sound levels and possibly human annoyance. This work presents acoustic measurements of electric motors used for small quadcopters to characterize the sound and identify sources with and without a propeller. Free field microphone measurements were used to determine directivity and a phased microphone array was used to identify sound sources. A companion paper (Part II Source Characteristics and Prediction) compares the far field results with current probe measurements of the signal driving the motor, the structural response of the motor case, and describes prediction methods of electric motor noise