Badan Usaha is required to be managed professionally like a business entity that has an orientation towards profit and prosperity of the owners, managers and employees in addition to playing a social role in the community environment. Capital participation if it is not managed properly will become a burden for the next APBDESA. Good governance must abide by the principles of managing a business entity. Competent human resources have a very large role for the survival of a business entity so that quality improvement needs to be done through entrepreneurship and leadership training. Entrepreneurship is expected to be able to explore the business potential of the village and make optimum use of it as a profitable business commodity.
With leadership is expected to be able to manage the company well so that the company can have a vision and mission to be carried out continuously. competent human resources the company is expected to grow and develop, so as to foster public confidence in investing and saving funds in the company. Good corporate governance must be implemented so that there is equality between capital owners (principals) who give the mandate in the form of assets and recipients of the mandate as managers (agents) to manage company assets, so that good corporate governance will foster, fairness, transparency, Accountability, Responsibilit,
Independence. BUMDES that are managed well by competent Human Resources will become a gift and produce quality products that can meet the needs of the community, alleviate unemployment,
prosper the employees, managers and the community so that BUMDES can become independent and parallel business entities with other business entities