
Kajian benzyl amino purine dan jenis pupuk organik terhadap pertumbuhan, hasil, dan kandungan vitamin c pada kubis putih (brassica oleraceae l)


Wawan Riyanto Sulistiono, S.610906015. The Study of Benzyl Amino Purine and Organic Manure Type to Growth, Result, and Content of C Vitamin at White Cabbage (Brassica Oleraceae L). This research aim to study Benzy Amino Purine and organic manure type to growth and result of white cabbage and also content of C vitamin at white cabbage. The experiment was conducted at horticultural seed Garden, Bandungan with andosol soil type, 840 m above sea level from August 2007 to January 2008. Experimental design used was Randomized Complete Block Design (RCDB) based on factor and 3 replications. First factor consist of concentration of Benzyl Amino Purine : 0 ppm; 25 ppm; 75 ppm. Second factor is organic manure type : without manure; cow manure; chicken manure; goat manure. The data from the observation was analysed by anova with the significantly 5% and 1% if there was significantly difference among the treatment, is was continued analysed by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) on 5% and 1%. The result of the result showed that Benzyl Amino Purine concentration 75 ppm can yield cabbage weight (2,058 kg) and yield C vitamin 39,257 mg, organic manure type of chicken influence growth and resut of cabbage crop, chicken manure yield cabbage weight 2,279 kg. Fertilization with cow manure can yield highest C vitamin 37,870 mg

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