
A Comparative Analysis of Appraisal between Editorial and Opinion Column Exposing Ahmadiyah Issue Published on The Jakarta Globe and The Jakarta Post Websites (A Study Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics)


Idha Dwi Prasetyo. 2011. A Comparative Analysis of Appraisal between Editorial and Opinion Column Exposing Ahmadiyah Issue Published on The Jakarta Globe and The Jakarta Post Websites (A Study Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics). English Department, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. This research explored the appraisal system in the editorial and opinion column exposing issue of Ahmadiyah, taken from Jakarta Globe and Jakarta Post Websites. There were four texts that were analyzed. They were four texts of editorial and opinion taken from The Jakarta Globe and Jakarta Post Websites. These texts were analyzed using Appraisal Theory. Appraisal theory is concerned with attitude, graduation, and engagement. The objectives of this thesis were to find out the atttudes applied in those texts; the influence of the attitudes toward the texts; the similarities and differences of the texts; and why they were applied, including the ideology. This was a descriptive qualitative research. The technique used in this research was total sampling since all data containing appraising items become the data of this research. There were two data in this research. The primary data was taken from the four analyzed texts and the secondary were the information of media Jakarta Globe and Jakarta Post, as well as the information of the writer taken from other news related to the Ahmadiyah news. The results show that the three kinds of attitudes (affect, jugdment, and appreciation) are applied in the texts. From the analysis, there are two kinds of attiudes applied dominantly in the texts, they are Judgement and Appreciation with positive and negative attitudes. The engagement is mostly monogloss, and the moslty graduation is force. The employment of attitudes influence the texts in term of prosody, ideology and also genre. Hortatory exposition is laid in editorial published on Jakarta Globe Website; analytical exposition is laid in editorial from Jakarta Post Website, while discussion genre is employed in opinion texts published on Jakarta Globe and Jakarta Post Website. The appraising items are applied in the texts because of the ideologies that the writer wants to convey. The ideologies are Left antagonist for editorial text from Jakarta Globe and Jakarta Post Websites and right protagonist for opinion texts from Jakarta Globe and Jakarta Post Websites. From the analysis, the ideology of the media and the writer become an important one to influence the ideology of the texts. Both of media Jakarta Globe and Jakarta Post tend to be negative in its editorials because the media wants to put its contradictory position toward the issue of violence attack and religious persecution toward Ahmadiyah. Meanwhile, opinion text is written individually. Therefore, the story or background of the writer may influence the ideology of the texts. In this case, both writers tend to give positive evaluation toward the issue of Ahmadiyah. Based on the sources, both of them really hav

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