
Resumen de la contribución presentada en el congreso.SER Europe Conference, Restoration in the Era of Climate Change (11th, 2018, Reykjavick)Se incluyen 2 archivos: resumen de la ponencia y póster de la misma.VERBATIM: In the Iberian Atlantic Region, there are several landscape change processes (changes in the land use, presence of invasive species, activities regarding public use, intensification of agricultural and livestock farming, climate change) and phytosanitary problems (alder diseases caused by Phytophthora ssp.) that, currently, are threat factors of river corridor habitats. These factors are deteriorating and fragmenting them, and having a relevant impact on their functionality. The LIFE Fluvial project aims to mitigate these consequences, to improve the conservation status and to develop sustainable management measures of river and fluvio-estuarine corridors. Selected areas in the project are Natura 2000 sites belonging to several river basins located in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal). To this aim, LIFE Fluvial has designed the following actions: A detailed analysis of the current status and implementation of a trans-national model for the sustainable management of river corridors to reduce the negative impact caused by the threats and to avoid their spread towards other UE territories. Design and implementation of restoration projects to improve conservation status of the natural habitats of interest, connectivity and to reduce fragmentation. Control of invasive flora species that pose a threat to the conservation of river corridors, and improvement of their phytosanitary state by removing trees infected by Phytophthora Dissemination of the environmental relevance of river corridors and social awareness in terms of socioeconomic benefits and ecosystem services provided. Improvement of training/education and technical empowerment of the stakeholders involved in the management and conservation of river corridors. The project lasts four years (2017-2021) and includes a system to monitor the impact of the actions on habitats and ecosystem services provided by river corridors

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