Friends from isolation


Friends from Isolation is part science fiction tale, part exploration of form and surface through ceramic sculpture. The energy of each and the unity of the whole through strong individuality implies life and the wild possibility of the human imagination. This work's spirit is deeply rooted in my imagination as a storyteller and craftsman; unleased to the world to tease the senses, to inspire and fuel the imagination of others. Each Friend is alive in insectoid form; their dense and vibrant color palette, gestural and identifiable textures; and the puzzle of their meticulous and carefully crafted construction stir impulses of attraction and repulsion, wonder and whimsy, curiosity and adventure in the viewer. A variety of other materials such as paper, lace, fur, wire, steel, and polymer clays are present and easily identifiable; playing a role as a man-made grounding point in the puzzle of this visual adventure. The variety of materials present, the use of vibrant color and rich texture, the execution form and bold gesture masterfully balances unity and variety. Each Friend has taken shape in my hands as a kind of character study; their form and surface completed in ways that instill each creature with a beautifully strange and mysterious individual identity. They are the companions of an interstellar traveler, the destroyer of Earth; hammered with regret and remorse, doomed to a self-imposed isolation; a seeker of redemption by the only means he can -- the inspiration of new creation

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