
The functions and responsibilities of foods and beverages product division in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo


This Final Project is written based on the job training which has been done at the foods and beverages department of Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo. The objectives of this report are to describe the job description of Chef Food and Beverages Product in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo, and to explain the functions and the responsibilities of Food and Beverages Product division in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo. The data of this report are taken from the observation and interview. From the observation and interview it shows that foods and beverages product division in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo has two functions they are; as the major of producing food and beverage product and as supplier of foods and beverages when the hotel has a banquet event or some order. Besides those functions, Kitchen Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo has a lot of responsibilities such as; Responsibilities for banquet event, Restaurant, Coffée shop, and event order. For the banquet event, kitchen has more responsibilities; they are responsible to receive the guests complaint about the taste of food, and to refill all of foods and beverages at the banquet event. In the restaurant, kitchen has a responsibility for handling the guest order. In the coffee shop, kitchen has a responsibility to control many kinds of beverage. For the event order, kitchen has responsibility to cook the order from the room guest order

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