
Redesigning More Resilent Sahana System For Disaster Information In Indonesia


This application is a disaster information system in Indonesia using Sahana platform that has many unique features of the integration Sahana disaster with some applications that have been built independently in the previous year of mudflow in Sidoarjo, Solo in Bojonegoro Flood, and Forest Fires in Kalimantan. Addition, this application provides a virtual feature class that is learning GIS and Sahana, complete with an online test and the results. Since the system is web-based, then use the appropriate technology that is MapServer as web server, php, html, and javascript as a system builder and PostgreSQL for data storage. To improve the security of these applications also added SSL and Mod Security. SSL to secure data line and mod security to prevent attacks SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting. Two of these securities will keep the system from attack, so the important data such as victims of disasters, infrastructure and map safe. With this integration, these applications into a complete information system, safely and in accordance with local conditions of each disaster. Keywords : Disaster Management, Sahana, Virtual Class, Integration System

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