Kommunikation med extern, avanceradGPS-utrustning via mobil enhet


Syftet med detta projekt ar att undersoka mojligheten att kommunicera med en militar GPS-mottagare via serieportsgranssnittet RS-232 fran en mobil enhet. Malet ar att endast anvanda existerande hardvara som inte kraver att enhetens fasta programvara eller operativsystem byts ut. Smarttelefoner och pekplattor har blivit allt vanligare och de erbjuder i regel hogre grad av barbarhet och battre batteritid an traditionella barbara datorer, samtidigt som deras berakningskapacitet ar likvardig. De tva storsta systemen pa marknaden idag ar Android och iOS. Jag valde darfor att undersoka deras mojligheter att anslutas till kringutrustning genom RS-232. Under utredningen framkom tva losningar som implementerades: ett Apple-godkant tillbehor for RS-232 till iOS och en generisk serieportsadapter till en Android-enhet med USB-vardstod. Bada losningarna visade sig fungera och resulterade i en prototyp-applikation for var och en av plattformarna. Jag drar slutsatsen att de ar funktionellt ekvivalenta, men bedomer att Android-losningen ar nagot mer framtidssaker an iOS-losningen. Detta projekt visar att bade Android- och iOS-enheter kan kommunicera med militara GPS-mottagare och all annan kringutrustning som har stod for RS-232.The objective of this project is to examine the possibility to communicate with a military GPS receiver over the RS-232 serial port interface from a mobile device. Only existing hardware is considered that does not require replacement of the firmware or operating system of the device. Smartphones and tablets have been introduced to the market generally offering higher portability and better battery lifetime than traditional laptop computers, and they have the same magnitude of processing power. The most used mobile device platforms today are Android and iOS. I therefore chose to investigate their possibilities to be connected to peripherals using RS-232. During the investigation two solutions were found and implemented: an Apple-approved RS-232 accessory for iOS and a generic serial port adapter on a USB host enabled device running Android. Both approaches appeared to function and resulted in a prototype application for each one of them. I conclude that they are functionally equivalent, however, I asses the Android solution to be a bit more future-proof than the iOS solution. This project shows that both Android and iOS devices can be used to communicate with military GPS receivers and with any other peripheral supporting RS-232

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