
Pembuatan Prototype Alat Identifikasi Golongan Darah pada Manusia Bebasis Pola Sidik Jari Menggunakan Scanner Optik


In this 21st century where the need of blood increases rapidly, efficiency, speed and accuracy of blood group identification process to be one essential thing to do. In this tool is designed and manufactured a humans blood groups identification device based on fingerprint patterns using optical scanners. Broadly, the purpose of this tool is the ABO blood group (blood group A, B, AB and O) identification process which is practically and efficient and introduced to public the latest technology appropriate to the medical electronics field, especially in the field of ABO blood group identification. Fingerprint pattern of the 5 right hand finger users are captured and processed for identification of blood type. Manufacture of hardware in the form control box consisting of minimum system, LCD, keypad and an UareU 4000B optical scanner. The ABO blood group identification process using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and for the database is used Microsoft Access. Pattern recognition using Euclidean Distance and ABO blood group identification process using K-Mean cluster method and Euclidean Distance. Based on the results of tests conducted on 68 respondents, the results has obtained fingerprint pattern recognition in three fingerprint patterns (Loop, Whorl and Arch) and the ABO blood group identification had blood group A, B, AB and O detected. Keywords : ABO, Database, Fingerprint Microcontroller, Optical Silico

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