
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Agent Telefoni Berbasis Embedded Ebox-4300


The high level of development of telecommunications systems, causing demand for communication services is increasing. The use of common facilities such as public telephone communications is reduced because of cell phones. Meanwhile, the level of data communications also increased after the mobile operator to provide convenience to the user to perform data communication between one user to another user. This system is like a merger between telephone and data communications with a prepaid payment system. In addition, the higher the user's request will be in line with demand communication system that is fast, easy and inexpensive. Final project developed telephone system, GSM / UMTS as a common phone features. These applications run on Windows CE operating system with an embedded computer device ebox 4300. This system uses the GSM modem device that will be used in conjunction with the device Ebox-4300. The results of this study is a system that can be used for voice and data communications together with the bill payment instrumen

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