Impurity diffusion in bismuth single-crystals


Measurements of impurity diffusion of 86Rb, 90Sr, 133Ba, and 137Cs in single crystal Bi were carried out. Diffusion samples were prepared from single crystal Bi by ion implantation. About 1012-1013 ions were implanted, resulting in surface activities approx =104 cpm. After implantation, specimens were annealed for specified times at 220-265 deg C, and tracer penetration profiles were determined by an electrolytic method. A typical penetration profile for 137Cs in Bi showed a linear relationship for log C vs x in with Fick's law for volume diffusion. Laws of grain boundary diffusion were not obeyed and the order of magnitude of the penetration distances was much less than on a grain boundary mechanism. Results were interpreted in terms of a modified Fischer analysis using a kinetic trapping term. Effective half lengths for trapping at a twin boundary were determined for each impurity

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