Biochemical Characterization Of Β-N-Oxalyl-L-Α,Β-Diaminopropionic Acid, The Lathyrus Sativus Neurotoxin As An Excitant Amino Acid


Abstract—β-N-Oxalyl-l-α,β-diaminopropionic acid (ODAP), the toxin isolated from the seeds of Luthyrus sativus produces head retraction, tremors and convulsions when injected into a variety of experimental animals. In 12-day-old rats, it has been found that the convulsive behaviour is accompanied by profound biochemical changes in the brain. The brain homogenates prepared from ODAP injected animals show a higher rate of respiration. There is a decrease in the brain glucose, glycogen, ATP, phosphocreatine and acetylcholine levels of the convulsing animals. The inorganic phosphate, lactic acid and acetylcholineesterase levels increase. These results establish that ODAP is a typical convulsant

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