B- and T-cell epitopes of tropomyosin, the major shrimp allergen
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- Munksgaard
Seafood allergy is often encountered on ingestion of crustaceans such as shrimp, lobster, crab, and crayfish (1). On eating cooked shrimp, sensitive individuals experience a wide spectrum of reactions ranging from abdominal discomfort to anaphylaxis. The presence of cross-reacting heat-stable allergens in crustacean food was first recognized by Hoffman et al. (2) and Lehrer et al. (3). Subsequently, the major allergen was isolated and characterized from the shrimp species Paneaus indicus (Pen i 1) (4) and I? aztecm (Pen a 1) (5). Pen i 1 (originally designated Sa-TI) and Pen a 1, with mol. mass of 34 and 36 kDa, respectively, contain 301 and 312 amino-acid residues with a predominance of gluta- mate/glutamine and asparatate/asparagine