Chemical shift based editing of CH3 groups in fractionally 13C^{13}C-labelled proteins using GFT (3,2)D CT-HCCH-COSY: stereospecific assignments of CH3CH_3 groups of Val and Leu residues


We propose a (3,2)D CT-HCCH-COSY experiment to rapidly collect the data and provide significant dispersion in the spectral region containing 13^13C-1H1^H cross peaks of CH3CH_3 groups belonging to Ala, Ile, Leu, Met, Thr and Val residues. This enables one to carry out chemical shift based editing and grouping of all the 13C^{13}C-1H^1H cross peaks of CH3CH_3 groups belonging to Ala, Ile, Leu, Met, Thr and Val residues in fractionally (10%) 13C^{13}C-labelled proteins, which in turn aids in the sequence-specific resonance assignments in general and side-chain resonance assignments in particular, in any given protein. Further, we demonstrate the utility of this experiment for stereospecific assignments of the pro-R and pro-S methyl groups belonging to the Leu and Val residues in fractionally (10%) $^{13}C-labelled proteins. The proposed experiment opens up a wide range of applications in resonance assignment strategies and structure determination of proteins

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