NMR assignment of 2H^2H, 13C^{13}C and 15N^{15}N labeled amino-terminal domain of apo-pantothenate synthetase from E. coli


Pantothenate (vitamin b5b_5) is an essential precursor for the biosynthesis of coenzyme A (CoA), an essential metabolite for many important cellular processes (Brown et al., 1987). Pantothenate Synthetase (PS) catalyzes the ATP dependent condensation of D-pantoate with Ξ²_\beta-alanine to give rise to pantothenate. Our interest lies in studying the solution-state inter-domain interactions in E. coli PS that results in formation of the catalytic site. As a first step we have cloned and over-expressed an isotopically enriched sample of the dimeric amino-terminal domain (residues 1–176) of E. coli PS. Here we report the backbone and side-chain assignments for HN, ^{13}C (C^a, C^\beta & CO) and 15N^{15}N nuclei of the protein, obtained using triple resonance NMR experiments (Yamazaki et al., 1994). CSI and NOE data indicates that the protein is well folded containing both \alpha-helices and Ξ²_\beta-sheet. Assignment for \sim 95% of backbone and side-chain resonances for the catalytic domain has been obtained and deposited in BMRB (accession # 6940)

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